Music's Made By Me .-.

Tenho Varias Mas com
o vcs podem perceber são todas sobre o mesmo assunto "Amor Mal Correspondido" .-.

         All Blame Rabies ♫

I already tried to run, but and like something you arrest me
 and not let me leave without saying anything,
 but what a lot of anger and not allow me to go
 and it was all the fault of anger.
I could this away from you, away from your little life "perfect"
 their jokes without grça that always

 made ​​me laugh. '"
Who's fault was it?
and this question I always Faso me
every time I remember that we
were happy but someone spoiled maybe I
could say that I blame her completely and I
 recognize that not more wrong with you.
it always hurt and now as always

 continues to disturb me.
If it were not for her we
 would be fine.

I away from you and you from me
'd be happy.
Nor do I think more runs behind because
 I know she already destroyed us both inside and out.

Now I understand that the "love" you swore you have
 within your "heart"
That you love both swore that
I did not want so I wanted one with which you love

another thought on this yes and true heart, but does not help the
pardon was all her fault destroyed in anger again and again and again to
I'm asking you to come not hurt me anymore swears that you love me but lip service.
I weight please keep away from me.

no longer bear the same lies, the same vows of love
, the same arguments for the same reasons, the same reconciliations, they hurt. Enough
The same ferridas reopening and getting deeper I do not
 agree that you have to give up because you have a strong you
 life I do not then I.
I give up

Birds around me ♫

Hoje as palavras me tocam
Como você me tocava.
 Não tocam mais
Como você.
Sentia-me feliz ao seu lado
Não me sito, mais.
Eu era segura
Não sou mais.
Eu te amava
Não te amo mais
Era feliz não sou mais

Pássaros voando em minha direção

Meus medos batem em minha porta
Tentando me deixar mais vulnerável
E correr para você
Sei que um dia eles vão conseguir
Mas não será agora
Pois com minhas forças vou lutar

Há pássaros voando em minha direção

Há vida a minha volta
Não em mim.

 Pássaros Voam A minha volta

Voem e sejam felizes
Longe de casa e de todos
Acredite naquele que te faz mal
Pois ele e o que mais fala a verdade
Eu sou fraca
Não sei voar
Mas há pássaros a minha volta